Objective: Analyze the performance of an account/personal space
Features used: Journey Analysis, Funnels, Zoning
Time: 20 min.
Set up
If you do not have the following mappings, goals, and segments already saved to your Contentsquare platform you will need to create them before getting started.
- Create a high-level mapping that includes key pages, with the account and login pages clearly separated
If there is a dedicated flow for account creation, consider also separating those pages
- Create a goal for users seeing the 'MyAccount' page
- Optional. Create a goal for users seeing the 'Create an account' page
Analyze the performance of the MyAccount space
1. Open Journey analysis, and apply the segment 'View MyAccount Page' in the Analysis context. When using “All journeys from landing pages” you will be able to see the main way visitors are reaching the Account page. Look at the following:
What are the primary pathways to the Account pages? Is the login process seamless, or does it typically require multiple attempts before successfully accessing the account area?
- How soon in their sessions do users generally navigate to their accounts?
Navigation journeys after the account space - do users primarily log in to manage their information, utilize it as a wishlist, or check recent orders?
2. Open Zoning analysis, and set your Analysis context to All users. Look at the following:
- Check which functions or information need more attention by looking at the exposure rate, click rate, attractiveness rate, and exposure time. Identify the most important account information for users. Does it have a faster time before first click than other elements? Is there a difference in engagement between segments (e.g., when comparing new vs returning users)?
- Evaluate the importance of the key CTAs and functions by looking at the click rate, attractiveness rate, and time before first click. Assess how frequently they are clicked, their level of attractiveness, and how quickly users engage with them, both at the top and bottom of the page. Compare these metrics to those of other functions
Analyze the performance of the Account creation flow
1. Open Journey analysis, change the mapping to reflect the pages within that flow. Apply the segment of users who viewed the first step of that flow (e.g., 'Viewed Create account') in the Analysis context. Look at the following:
- Identify the primary pages from which users initiate their account creation? Is there a standout entry point, such as a page with a pop-in?
Analyze navigation journeys after users visit the account creation page. Are these journeys smooth, or do users encounter errors or quickly loop back to the previous page? Identify any stumbling blocks that may indicate confusion with specific requirements or steps.
2. To understand the overall conversion and drop-off rates of the account creation flow, switch to Funnels and define the steps in the funnel to include all the key stages of the user flow.. Analyze the following metrics:
- Check the overall completion rate. What percentage of users who initiated the process successfully complete the account creation?
- Look at the step completion and drop off rates. Is there a page with a relatively high drop-off rate? The next step involves a deeper analysis of the problematic page in Zoning.
Example of an analysis of the Account creation page
3. Open the Zoning analysis with the Account creation page and navigate to Form Analysis. In edit mode, create the zones in your form needed for your analysis.
Using the form report, analyze the following metrics:
- Users who left the form without interacting: A high percentage of users loading the form without interacting may indicate that they didn't see the value of filling it out or that the form is too long. Consider using Session Replay to understand how the form is perceived.
Users who interacted with the form but did not submit it: A high percentage of users leaving the form before submission could mean they didn't want to provide specific data or encountered an error. Verify this by:
- Checking metrics like Blank rate, Refill rate, and Click recurrence: Are users leaving fields blank, refilling them multiple times, or struggling to fill them out?
- Examining scroll reach: Do users see the entire form? Are they scrolling down without filling out fields further down?
Users who tried to submit the form but failed: A high percentage of users attempting to submit the form but failing might indicate confusion about how to submit or encountering errors. If that's the case, take a closer at the different fields and deep dive into the following metrics:
- Blank rate metric: Check for unfilled mandatory fields preventing submission.
- Refill rate metric: Identify fields users struggle to fill out.
- Click recurrence metric: High recurrence may indicate user difficulties or a broken field. If the submit zone has a high Click recurrence, it suggests frustration caused by the zone.
- Users who successfully submitted the form: Evaluate the percentage of successful submissions. If it's low, further analysis of specific fields may be necessary.
Take action
- For CTAs with high hesitation times, you may want to try making the wording clearer.
- For unclickable elements with high click rates, and click recurrences, consider why visitors are trying to click these. Make non-clickable text clickable.
- If a section on a page yields a higher ineterst than another, potentially reorganize sections based on interest / need. Reduce the visibility of less-used areas. Make sure to evaluate section CTAs as well.
- If you notice a high drop off rate or a looping behavior in your account creation flow, simplify problematic steps or provide more explicit guidance
Go further
- Look at this article for further insights on analyzing your key funnels.
- Watch this on-demand webinar to learn effective strategies for plugging leaks in your checkout funnel.