What to expect
This integration will help you leverage Contentsquare Session Replay to assess how crashes really impact your user's experience and find the root cause faster by identifying the steps leading to a crash. You will be able to access Contentsquare replays directly in your Firebase Crashlytics dashboard so you can see exactly what a user was doing when a crash or ANR occurred.
The crash will not be visible in the session replay. Use the crash timestamp and any other information from Crashlytics to pinpoint the moment of the session where the crash occurred. You can also look for moments when the app was restarted in the session by focusing on the screen viewed after app launch and looking for an "app start" event in the event stream.
What we send
Session Replay
To properly make use of the replay feature you need to have 100% collection ratio, please talk to your CSM about this.
Get the replay link from Contentsquare SDK following the instructions here.
URL Example: https://app.contentsquare.com/quick-playback/index.html?pid=3771&uu=cc912cdb-ee03-a739-a659-ad2a5b1f08bb&sn=12&pvid=1&recordingType=cs
let replayLink: URL? = Contentsquare.currentSessionReplayLink
Crashlytics.crashlytics().setCustomValue(replayLink! .absoluteString, forKey:
let sessionLink = Contentsquare.currentSessionReplayLink
Crashlytics.crashlytics() .setCustomValue(sessionLink, forKey:
NSURL *sessionLink = [Contentsquare currentSessionReplayLink];
[[FIRCrashlytics crashlytics] setCustomValue: sessionLink
forKey: @"ContentsquareReplayLink"];