Features used: Dashboards, Page comparator, Zoning, Alerts
Time: 20 min.
Set up
If you do not have the following mappings, goals, and segments already saved to your Contentsquare platform you will need to create them before getting started.
- Either create a mapping with one page that contains ”all pages” with the drive-to-store feature you want to analyze (e.g., 'Click & Collect CTA' in the Checkout or a 'Service/Store locator' CTA on a PDP)
- Or use the page on the fly option within the Zoning analysis with the 'path contains' condition to define all URLs containing drive-to-store feature
Create a zoning on the page containing all pages with the drive-to-store feature.
Optional. If the feature you're analyzing involves multiple steps, such as selecting a calendar date for a click & collect option, use the Plus button in the top right corner of your zoning. In the menu that appears, click on 'From my live website'. This will open a new window with your current website, called Live Zoning
In the Live zoning window:
1. Open or activate the dynamic element, e.g. a search bar.
2. Click on Capture a new snapshot.
3. Click on Save to Contentsquare.
Page view goals
Create goals for users having seen the page group that the feature is on, for example: Delivery page or Product Detail Page -
Click goals
Click goal on the feature you want to analyze (e.g., 'click on Click & Collect' CTA)
Create the segments “Visitors who clicked on Click & Collect CTA” (based on goal)
Analyze the impact of your drive-to-store feature
How is the drive-to-store feature being utilized? Is it effectively promoting user conversions?
A quick way to view your key metrics is through Dashboard, which provides a personalized interface for tracking KPIs all in one place.
1. If you haven't created a dashboard, easily set one up using built-in templates. Navigate to Dashboards and begin with the 'Site overview' template for automatic population of your key metrics.
Learn how to create your first Dashboard and analyze your data using the Site Overview dashboard template.
2. Update the line chart that shows the Number of sessions/Conversion rate by incorporating Conversion rate by goal as a metric. Look at the following:
% of users who clicked on the feature (Analysis context setup: Segment “All visitors”, Widget setup: Goal “Click on Click & Collect CTA”)
% of buyers who clicked on the feature (Analysis context setup: Segment "Visits with transactions AND Viewed page="Page with feature (e.g, Delivery page); Widget setup: Goal “Click on Click & Collect CTA”) OR
% of users that used the feature who progressed to a next step (e.g., from Delivery to Payment in the Checkout) or any other objective ( Analysis context setup: Segment “Click on Click & Collect”, Widget setup: Segment: “Viewed Payment page”)
Note! You can modify segments either within the Analysis context or by adjusting the widget settings in the dashboard.
Analyze the performance of your drive-to-store feature
1. Open Journey analysis, toggle on the Comparison mode in the Analysis context, and apply the segments "Visitors who clicked on Click & Collect CTA" vs. "Visitors who did not". Select to view the Journeys after the page with the feature (e.g., Delivery page) and compare the two segments based on the following:
What are the most common pages visited after this page? How do the journeys of the two segments compare? Are they leaving the site, looping back to a previous checkout step, or viewing the page multiple times?
2. Open Zoning analysis, select a zoning of the menu based on your 'All pages' mapping, and set your Analysis context to All visitors. Analyze the following metrics on your key CTAs and Functions:
- Click Rate: How often are they clicked?
- Attractiveness Rate: How appealing are they to users?
Time Before First Click: How quickly do users engage with them?
Evaluate these metrics for both the top and bottom of the page. Compare them to other functions on the page. - Click Recurrence and Hesitation Time (Desktop Only): Identify if any elements are causing frustration or confusion. Check for high click recurrence on elements that should only require one click, indicating possible errors.
3. While still in Zoning analysis, toggle on the Comparison mode in the Analysis context and apply the segments of 'Sessions with transactions' vs 'Sessions without transactions". Look at the following:
- Check the exposure, click rate and the hover rate of the feature. Is the CTA visible and used enough? How is it performing compared to other content or key features on the page (e.g., Click & Collect vs. Home Delivery)?
- Check their exposure rate and the engagement rate (for Desktop)/ attractiveness rate (for Mobile) to determine if your two segments are equally exposed to the most attractive elements on the page? Is the CTA visible/used enough?
- Look at the click rate and conversion rate per click. How did the two segments interact with the page? Which delivery option do they prefer? Which option has the highest purchase conversion rate per click?
- Check if there is a high hesitation time, click recurrence or time before first click on the CTAs to determine if any elements are generation frustration or confusion. Is there high click recurrence on elements that should only require one click, indicating potential errors (e.g., time slot selection)?
4. Set up alerts for bug detection and frustration. By setting alerts on metrics for your key pages, CTAs, or flows, you can proactively identify and address areas of frustration and bugs, prioritizing areas of improvement based on their impact on the UX.
Here some of the KPIs to set alerts on:
- Exit rate
- Bounce rate
- Click recurrence on the zone (e.g., a key CTA)
- Number of views on error pages
Example of the alerts set up for monitoring for bugs: Number of sessions of the '404 Error' page, Exit rate of 'Checkout Step 1' page, Exit rate of 'Checkout Step 1' page, Percentage of sessions of the '404 Error' page, Click recurrence of the 'Place an order' CTA on the 'Checkout - Step 1' page.
Take action
High Hesitation Times:
- Make the wording of CTAs clearer.
High Click Rates/Click recurrence on Unclickable Elements:
- Investigate why visitors are attempting to click on these elements. For example, if there's high click recurrence on the Click & Collect time allocation, consider updating the copy to include more information about the service.
Low Exposure/Usage of Certain Page Content/Areas/Functionality:
- Reorganize Page Sections: If a section yields higher interest, consider reorganizing sections based on user interest or need.
- Reduce the visibility of less-used areas. For example, if the map locator has low exposure, consider moving the map to the top of the page.