Surveys capture the voice of your customers to give you a valuable understanding of how users feel about your site. Analyzing survey responses can help you make decisions about site improvements or uncover issues you weren't aware of. This article steps through how you can create a survey.
1. On your Surveys page, click New survey and select a survey creation method.
The survey creation methods are:
- Collect feedback, which starts the survey creation page with a feedback button set up.
- Create NPS®, to jump start your survey creation with a popover NPS® survey.
- Start from scratch, for when you intend to go step-by-step through the survey creation flow.
- Using a survey template, to predefine the survey settings based on your selected template, such as an exit-intent survey. Your survey settings can still be edited before publishing.
- Using AI to create the survey.
2. In the Details section, enter a Name and Description for your survey.
The name and description details you provide here are not visible to your users.
3. Select a Type for your survey.
Visit our Types of Surveys article to learn about the appearance and behavior of each survey type.
4. Add Questions using a range of question types.
You can add, delete, modify, and change the order of questions. You can also make questions required, optional, or skip to specific questions based on a given response. The Questions section of the survey creator also lets you test out a preview of your survey.
- For a listing of question type options, see our Types of Survey Questions article.
- To understand the impact of making questions required, optional, or skipabble based on user responses, see our article on Using Survey Logic to Skip Survey Questions.
- For each question type, you can add an image to be displayed alongside the questions.
5. Modify the Appearance of your survey.
In the Appearance section, you can modify:
- Language.
- Button label (Button Surveys only): You can customize the text on the button.
- Color.
- Positioning on your page (Popover or Bubble Surveys).
- Whether the branding is shown, hidden, or replaced by your own logo.
- Custom CSS (available on the VoC Pro plan).
6. (This step only applies to Link Surveys) Configure the On-site invitation settings.
When you've enabled Invite on-site users to your survey, a pop-up window will appear on your site inviting users to complete your Link survey. Agreeing users will be taken to a different URL that contains the survey. If on-site users decline the survey invitation, the pop-up will close and they will not see any of the survey questions. The survey invitation text can be customized from within this section.
7. In the Targeting section, set the conditions for when to show your survey.
Show your survey based on:
- Devices: Select whether to show your survey (or on-site invitation for Link Surveys) across Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile.
- Pages: Show your survey only on specific URLs or when a JavaScript event occurs.
- Users: When specific attributes about a user who is visiting your site are true, the survey will be shown.
- Traffic coverage: Determine the percentage of traffic that should see your survey or on-site invitation.
8. Define your Survey's Behavior.
- Timing: Choose to show your survey immediately, with a delay, when a user abandons the page, or when they scroll halfway down the page. Timing is unavailable for embedded surveys and a survey that shows when a user abandons a page will prevent the survey from ever appearing on mobile or tablet devices.
- Frequency: Select to show your survey until the current user submits a response, only once even if they don't respond, always including after they've submitted a response.
- Screenshot (not available with Link Surveys): Decide to include a screenshot of the user's screen captured the moment of their response.
9. Enable a Forward Response option to be notified when a user responds to your survey.
Survey responses can be forwarded to Slack, Microsoft Teams, Webhook URLs, the Survey responses API, and multiple email addresses. Surveys can also be added to a workflow via Zapier.
10. Change the survey status to Active and then click Create survey to publish your survey.
You also have the option of creating a draft survey by changing the survey status to Inactive and clicking Create survey. This setting will save your survey without making the survey live.