For Experience Analytics tools: Available on Contentsquare Growth plan.
How to enable the AB Tasty integration
1. In Integrations, choose the Site you want to install the integration for, find the AB Tasty integration, and click 'Connect.'
2. Turn on 'Automatically mark active experiments' to enable the integration.
How to use AB Tasty events in segmentation
You can use the 'Add filter' option in your platform capabilities to apply AB Tasty events, for example Session Replay.
Follow these steps to use AB Tasty events in Session Replay:
1. Click on 'Add filter'.
2. Select 'AB Tasty'.
A window will appear, allowing you to select your AB Tasty events.
How to target a survey for an AB Tasty campaign
1. Visit the Targeting section in the setup of a survey.
2. Within the Pages subsection, select' Specific pages' and choose 'Event' in the dropdown menu.
3. Enter the Event value for your page and variant using this case-sensitive syntax: page-name-variant-name.
For this event value syntax, special characters and whitespaces are replaced by hyphens.
The event name is also case-sensitive. For example:
The page name is Sign up and the variant is Variant A, the targeting event value will be: Sign-up-Variant-A
The page name is landing page 2 and the variant is variant 2, the targeting event value will be: landing-page-2-variant-2
4. Click Save changes and ensure the status of your survey is Active.
Your survey will appear when the event you've specified is present on a page. When using events for surveys, your behavior rules will still be followed. For example, you can set a survey to open after 10 seconds and use an event for targeting. In this case, the survey will appear 10 seconds after the event has been triggered (not 10 seconds after the page loaded).