What browsers are supported for Interviews?
Google Chrome is the only officially supported web browser for the Interviews platform.
What happens if I join an interview but the other person does not join?
See our article, What Happens if There’s a No-Show? for this information.
Are there any reports available to show aggregated data taken during Interviews?
Interviews does not have any built-in reports related to interview data. However, it is possible to export the transcript and/or notes that your team took during an interview and use that for your own analysis.
Is there a limit for the number of screening questions that can be used in a project?
There are no built-in limits to the number of screening questions a project can have. However, we found that having more than 10 screener questions can result in a lower response rate.
Can I do Interviews for a mobile app or mobile website?
Yes! While your interview must still be done on desktop or laptop computers, we have an article that shows you how to connect a mobile device for projects specifically related to mobile: How to Run Mobile User Tests With Interviews.
What is included in the Interviews recording playback?
All camera feeds are recorded in the call: the participant's camera, the participant's screen (if turned on and shared), the moderator's camera(s), the moderator's screens, and audio of everyone during the call (unless their mic is muted).
Can Interviews recordings be downloaded?
Depending on your plan, it is possible to download a full recording or to create clips of specific sections to download.
What languages are supported for the transcription?
We use Amazon's transcribe solution for our transcriptions. Here's a list of all languages we have available at this time: Supported languages and language-specific features - Amazon Transcribe.
Do Interviews support any languages other than English?
At this time, the Interviews platform is only supported in English. However, our sign-up page for participants offers additional languages, so that non-English speakers can be recruited as testers.
Can Participants set a preferred language so that they only receive project invitations in languages they speak?
This is not possible yet, but it's something we're considering to add in the future.
Do Interviews integrate with my calendar?
Interviews has an integration with Google Calendar which can be enabled in your Project settings, or on your user profile. When enabled, we don't display or store any of your calendar data. Instead, we use the "busy/events" data from the calendar to prevent interview scheduling slots from conflicting with other events on your calendar.
How do I communicate with a participant from Contentsquare's Participant Pool, after an interview has been scheduled?
If an interview is already booked, you can click on the participant's name in the "Scheduled Interviews" list to find their contact email address. This can be used to share any additional information you like ahead of the interview.
If you need to cancel or reschedule the interview, what can you do?
There’s a dropdown menu available on all booked sessions that allows the researcher to 'Change moderator' on a booking, 'Reschedule', or 'Cancel interview'.
How can I prevent scheduling conflicts?
Connecting a calendar in the researcher profile settings and selecting the option to "Prevent overbooking in your calendar" can help prevent scheduling conflicts.