Each site in your account has a separate settings page allowing you to manage details about your site, how session capture and targeting works, and change data suppression settings. This article outlines how to access and modify these settings.
How to access your site settings
1. Click your profile photo, then click Organization settings.
2. Find the site you want to update the settings for, then click the gear icon.
How to update your site details
In the Site information section, you can change basic information about your site.
- Site name: We recommend using the name of your organization or company.
- Site URL: The URL you set in this field does not determine which pages will collect data. Only pages where the Contentsquare tag is installed can collect data, regardless of the URL shown here.
- Industry / Sector: We may send you educational resources based on this selection to help you get the most out of your Contentsquare experience.
- Legal name: Surveys can be configured to display your website's legal name. If used, the name will be taken from this field.
- Site privacy policy URL: your privacy policy can be linked to from surveys.
How to edit your session capture settings
The Session capture toggle allows you to toggle data capture on or off. When session capture is disabled, it will immediately stop all session data collection. Surveys will continue gathering user responses.
- Start capturing sessions on specific pages or when a custom event fires: Specify which pages or events will trigger capturing a user's session.
- Tracking URL Changes: Determine how Contentsquare evaluates URLs on your site. This is primarily used with single-page applications.
- Allowed iframe domains: Allow self-hosted iframes to appear inside Session Replay or in a Heatmap.
How to edit data suppression settings
The data suppression settings let you manage which data should be excluded from being sent or stored as session capture data. The available options include the ability to suppress all visible text or images on specific pages, ensuring that no content from selected pages is stored. There is also an option to suppress data across all pages, which includes suppressing all on-page content, text, or numeric text.
For finer control, you can also choose to suppress keystroke data in allowed input fields, preventing any input from being sent or stored except in fields that are explicitly permitted. When activated, these settings will replace the suppressed data with placeholders or asterisks (***).