Dashboards is a powerful tool that helps you visualize, track, and manage key data in one place. You can:
- Monitor performance
- Analyze trends
- Collaborate with your team
Understanding how to use dashboards effectively can make data management easier and more impactful. This guide will walk you through the essential features and actions you can take to manage, create, customize and maximize the potential of your dashboards.
Dashboards list
The Dashboards list provides a centralized view of dashboards created and shared by you or your colleagues.
Key features include:
- Filter options to quickly find relevant insights
- The ability to categorize dashboards for improved organization
- Mark favorites for quick access to frequently used dashboards
Additional tools enhance productivity and simplify management:
- Sort efficiently to prioritize or rearrange dashboards as needed
- Quickly search for any dashboard
- Perform actions like:
Renaming dashboards
Adding general descriptions to dashboards
Duplicating dashboards for reuse
Bulk editing multiple dashboards simultaneously
The dashboards list is designed to make data management intuitive and efficient.
Dashboard list overview
1. Find a dashboard: Use the search bar to quickly find a dashboard
2. Bulk actions: Select one or multiple dashboards to perform actions like managing their categories or deleting them
3. Mark as favorite: You can mark your most important dashboards as favorites. When a dashboard is marked as favorite, it will appear on top of the list.
4. Create a new dashboard: Click "New dashboard" from the top right - here you'll find different templates or start your own customized dashboard.
5. Filter your dashboards: With quick filters, types of categories or owners of projects.
6. More actions: You can find different actions like duplicate, rename, manage categories or delete a specific dashboard.
7. Sort your dashboards: By name, category, date or owner. You will also be able to see with whom the dashboard has been shared.
Categorizing a dashboard
You can categorize all dashboards with similar objectives under one of the predefined categories or create one your own. You have the flexibility to define these categories as needed. Once you create a category, everyone in the project will be able to use it.
Hover over the category column, click ‘New category’.
You will see a menu where you can choose an existing category or create a new one.
Select one of the predefined categories. To create a new category, simply enter the name you want to assign.
Once you have the category you want to create, click ‘+ Add category’. Then, click save.
You can now sort and filter with the category selected.
Filters make it easy to find the dashboards you need. Here’s how you can filter your list:
- By category: Narrow down dashboards by their assigned category.
- By owner: Filter dashboards based on their creator.
- Quick filters: Access predefined options for faster filtering like last modified, favorites and shared with you.
Use these options to quickly locate the dashboards most relevant to your needs.
Mark as favorite
You can mark your most important and most used dashboards as favorites. These favorites will automatically appear at the top of the list.
Click the star icon next to the dashboard name. Your dashboards marked as favorites will appear on top of the list once you refresh the page.
You can use the quick filters to display only your favorite dashboards. Once the filter is applied, only dashboards marked as favorites will be visible.
By default, the dashboard list is sorted in the following order:
- Favorite dashboards
- Last updated dashboards
You can further customize the sorting by clicking on any column title to arrange the list in ascending or descending order based on that column.
Dashboard overview
1. Dashboard list: You can manage your dashboards or dashboards that have been shared with you (you’ll get a notification whenever you receive one). You can have up to 100 dashboards.
2. Add a widget: You’ll find five main types of widgets to create.
3. Analysis context: Set the device, time period, and segments to filter for specific data. Note that your default settings are always there - just remove the filters to return to your original dashboard. More details in the Dashboards - Analysis context article.
4. Single value widgets - display the chosen elements of analysis you've set, based on the selected time period.
5. Line chart widgets - display two chosen metrics. Hover over the curves to see metric details day by day or hour by hour.
6. Table widget - see the comparison of a metric across different categories (such as Device, OS, Language, Screen Resolution, Country, City, Browser) by displaying the top values for each category. (Path is available for number of page views metric and Frustration factors is available for number of session metrics)
7. Hover over any widget to resize it or move it across the grid.
8. More actions: Click the "..." icon to open additional dashboard settings:
- Duplicate
- Share
- Export
- Delete
If you have view-only rights, you need to duplicate your dashboard to edit it.
See how to add or edit a widget in this article.
From Dashboards, you can jump directly to other Contentsquare capabilities (Session Replay or Zoning Analysis) and create an alert from any widget.
Note: The options 'See in zoning' and 'See in Heatmap' are only available to widgets based on a zone and/or a page group.
How it works
Click the "More options" button at the top right corner to open the shortcut menu. Select "See in Session Replay" (for zone, page and site level widgets) or "See in Zoning" (zone and page level widgets).
When you click 'See in Session Replay', a pop-up opens the session replay player within your Dashboards. The replays shown are filtered based on the widget settings you right-clicked on and your current analysis context. If comparison is enabled in your widget, you will also be able to choose the specific configuration for the replay, such as the device or segment you wish to target: |
When you click on "See in Zoning", a pop up appears asking you to select a zoning and mentions at the same time the analysis context you will see in your zoning: Note: If you don't have a zoning created yet, you will be redirected to the zoning creation wizard with all the information already pre-filled. |
Once you are in Session Replay or Zoning Analysis, you can see that the conditions of your widget (period, segment, goal achievement) will already be applied to the analysis context.