1. Go to the Goals & Key Events feature
2. Click the 'New goal' button in the top-right corner
3. Name your goal and write a description (select 'Add goal to Favorites' to save it to the top of your goals list)
4. Choose a navigation event (View, Click, Hover)
5. Select a mapping and page (and zone for Clicks or Hovers, see example below)
6. Click 'Create'
How to create a Click or Hover goal
1. Follow steps 1-5 (see above)
2. Select a zoning and a zone
3. Click Create
In this example, we created a Click goal for our Contentsquare University homepage. We've selected the CS University mapping, our Homepage, our Homepage CSU zoning, and the zone Contentsquare Fundamentals.
How to edit a goal or key event
1. Click the '...' view more options menu and select 'Edit'
2. Edit the goal or key event and click 'Update'
How to delete a goal or key event
Click the '...' view more options menu and select 'Delete'
Select ✔️ multiple goals and click 'Delete Goals' at the top of the page for easy batch deletion.