Duplicating an existing mapping and editing it according to your analysis objectives is best practice. You can utilize the framework of existing mapping and duplicate it in order to save time.
How to duplicate a mapping?
1. Go to the list of Mappings and locate the mapping you want to duplicate (you can use the search bar).
2. Click on the "more option" and click on "duplicate".
3. Rename your mapping, so other users will know why it was created and whether you permit modifications.
4. Click on "Back to mapping list" to view your duplicated mapping
You can now edit screens or create new ones.
Adding a new screen or screengroup
Open the mapping you want to add a screen or screen group to, and click ‘Create’.
How to edit a mapping?
You can Refine or Split your mapping. Let's explore 2 scenarios with each one:
You want to analyze how your users are performing through your checkout funnel. To do that, you need to create separate screen groups to be able to visualize them separately in the different modules. In the mapping you've just duplicated, checkout screens haven't been created yet.
- Click on 'New screen group'
- Click on 'Undefined screens'
- Select the category
- Paste the screen name in the empty field
- Name your screen group
- Save the new screen group
It will automatically appear in the screen groups list, under the category you've selected.
Reiterate the action for each of the checkout screens you want to include.
Video recap:
The Split option helps you create screen groups in bulk, by splitting the screens of your app by screen names.
- Click on a screen group
- Select the 'Split' option
- Select the screen names you want to include in another screen group
- Rename your screen groups and select the right category
- The new screen groups will appear under the category you selected:
Using Custom Variables
You can define screens in your mapping using custom variables:
- Name your new screen group
- Select the category you want the screen group to belong to
- Select ‘Custom Variable’
- Set your key, for example login status.
- Set the variable conditions based on your selected key, such as ‘Matches exactly’ or ‘Contains;.
- Select the correct value, e.g. 'logged-in'.