Use Experience Analytics Mobile' Zoning Analysis feature to visually attribute user behavior to your app's screen elements. With snapshots, zones and innovative UX metrics, you gain quick insight into how users are interacting with your content.
Use cases
- See how users interact with the content on your screens.
- Understand what content is driving revenue, helping conversion, and increasing engagement.
- Surface friction, and understand how to improve your screen’s layout.
How it works
Inside of Zoning analysis, you analyze snapshots of your apps screen(s) to understand how users interact with your screen content. A snapshot is a static version of your screen that’s stored in Contentsquare. The snapshots you create are stored inside your snapshots library.
You can then analyze the screen elements by creating zones—colorful overlays that appear over your content. Inside each zone, the metric result for a particular zone that attributes user behavior to that zone is displayed.
Feature overview
1. Mode selector: Choose between visualizing your metric with zones, or inside a table.
2. Analysis context: Select a time period and segment, you can’t change your device inside a zoning.
3. Metrics drop-down: Choose between various UX metrics—you can switch between metrics as many times as you like during an analysis.
4. Edit Zones: Click 'Edit zones' to be able to select which mode you want to use to create new, delete, or edit your current zones.
- Single: Create or edit one zone at a time
- Multi: Create or edit several zones on the same HTML level at a time
- Smart: Automatically identify the top-zones regarding Click rate, Revenue and more.
5. Undo/ Redo: Undo or redo an action quickly, such as deleting or creating a zone.
6. Comparison mode: Compare two snapshots side by side.
7. More options menu: Access more options, such as the zones list.
8. Snapshot creation: Create a new snapshot of your app screen.
9. Snapshot library: See all Snapshots save to your snapshot library
How to use Experience Analytics Mobile - Zoning analysis
1. Go to Menu > 'Zoning Analysis'.
2. Go to the ‘Saved zoning analysis’ section to find and view an existing zoning. Use the search bar, or the ‘Show results for’ dropdown to see a list of:
- ‘All zonings’: Default zonings, zoning created by you, and favorites.
- ‘My zonings’: Zonings created by you.
- ‘Favorites’: Zonings you have previously starred as your favorite.
3. Alternatively, click ‘Select a screen or screen group’ to create a new zoning.
4. Once you have landed on a zoning you wish to analyze, select the time period and segment you need from the analysis context at the top. Here, you can also see which device and mapping are used.
4. Click 'Edit zones' to view and select zone mode options.
- Single Zone Mode: Create one zone at a time
- Multi-Zone Mode: Create several zones at once
- Smart Zone Selector: Have zones identified for your based on a specific use case.
5. Select a metric from the drop-down menu.
- The number displayed inside each zone is the result for the selected metric.