Journey Analysis helps you analyze user journeys across your app. Quickly spot where users are experiencing frustration, and which journey they take to reach checkout. Use features like the comparison mode to understand the impact of different landing pages, how different segments navigate across your app, and more.
How to use the Journey Analysis
1. From the main menu, go to 'Journey Analysis'.
2. Set your analysis context:
- Mapping: Select which mapping you want to use in the drop-down.
- Device: Select the device from which you want to analyze sessions.
- Time period: Set the time period from which you want to analyze sessions.
- Segment: Define the segment you want to analyze sessions from, for example, 'New users' or 'Returning users'.
3. Analyze the journey visualization. Each step represents a screen that users visited during their journey—the innermost circle is the landing screen, and the following steps are the screens they visited after in the correct order.
4. Discover how each color in the visualization represents a different screen. To see which color symbolizes which screen:
- Hover the step in the visualization.
- Open the burger menu to view the screen list.
How to filter your visualization
Filter which journeys are shown in the visualization further by using the 'Reverse Journey' and 'After a screen' options:
- Journey after a Screen: choose which screen you want as the visualizations inner circle. This allows you to see all journeys after that particular screen, irrelevant of when it was viewed in the user journey.
- Reverse journey: See user journeys in reverse, starting from the screen they exited on. With this option, the inner circle will represent the exit screen. Read more about 'Reverse journey'.
To focus on one particular journey, toggle on 'Journey selection'. When in journey selection mode, hover any journey in the visualization—it will create a list of journey details, and show you what percentage of users reached each step.
How to compare two journeys
Click the 'Compare' button to analyze two journeys side-by-side:
- Segments: Compare the journeys of two different segments side-by-side, for example two acquisition segments from a specific landing screen.
- Time periods: Analyze two time periods next to each other, for example journeys from a screen before and after a screen revamp.
- Devices: Visualize journeys from two different devices next to each other, for example mobile vs. tablet users.