Zoning Analysis helps you understand how users interact with the content on your site’s pages through innovative UX metrics. Using the Zoning Analysis, you can quickly analyze the attractiveness, interaction, visibility, and more, of your content.
The Zoning Analysis feature uses the div structure of your site to identify where the page elements are. The interactivity of the page element, e.g. a drop-down menu, is taken into account as well.
A zoning is a snapshot of your site’s page(s) that’s stored in Contentsquare.
You analyze the page elements by creating zones- colorful overlays that appear over your content. Inside each zone, the metric result for a particular zone and metric is displayed.
The snapshots you save to Contentsquare are stored inside the snapshots library.
Snapshots and the Snapshot Library
You can both add a new snapshot and access the snapshots library directly from your zoning.
To add a new snapshot, click on 'Capture new snapshot'.
To access the snapshot library, click on My snapshots.
Feature Overview
1. Selecting capability
Pick which capability you want to use
Choose between:
a. Zoning: Analyze a zoning in Zoning Analysis
b. Heatmap: Analyze user behavior with click, move and scroll heatmaps
c. Table: Display all metrics for your zones in a table
d. Form Analysis: Analyze in-depth the UX experience of a form
e. Merchandising: Switch to Merchandising mode
Note: Merchandising is an add-on feature
2. Metrics List
Select a metric to display in your zones- you can switch the metric whenever you want during your analysis.
3. Analysis Context
Set the analysis parameters (Time period and Segment) for your analysis.
4. Edit zones
Select which mode you want to use to create new, delete, or edit your current, zones
- Single: Create or edit one zone at a time
- Multi: Create or edit several zones on the same HTML level at a time
- Smart: Automatically identify the top-zones regarding Click rate, Revenue and more. Read more about the Smart Zone Selector here.
5. Undo and Redo
Undo or redo actions you’ve made. For example, this option allows you to recreate a recently deleted zone.
6. Comparison mode
Comparison mode lets you analyze different parameters on one zoning side by side.
For example, you can compare two different metrics, segments, or dates on the same zones.
By default, the two zonings will have the same Analysis context applied. Use synchronized scroll to scroll both snapshots at the same time.
7. More Menu
Find more zoning capabilities
1. Display all zones created in list format
2. Erase all zones created
3. See which div the zone is targeting on your page
4. Export your zoning to a PDF or PNG and share with your team
5. Copy and share your analysis
8. Snapshots
Create new snapshots or access the snapshot library.
Good to Know
Fold line
This line represents the average size of the viewport. The pixel line indicates its position on the snapshot and the height percentage out of the full page height.
Scroll reach
This line represents the average position scrolled by users. The pixel line indicates its position on the snapshot and the height percentage out of the full page height.
Go further
Take the Contentsquare University Zoning Analysis course to learn more!