Teams are the link between users and project access. Teams are groups of users with access to one or more projects. You can use teams to control access and visibility to certain projects (domains) or certain teams of Contentsquare users within your organization.
To start, your account will have a Default team that contains all user and access to all projects. This is the start point for Contentsquare access. If you don't need to restrict user access and viability, this setup should work fine for your company. Simply add any new users to the Default team.
Default Team Structure:
The Teams tab will help you manage and limit user access to certain projects. You can create several Teams of users and assign them Project access to meet the needs of your org. You can define default roles per project for each of your Teams and then adding a user to a Team will automatically assign them to this default role (see 'Add Projects and configure their default user roles' section below).
Let's look at a few examples of how teams can be used to address user needs:
Domain/Country Specific Teams and Projects:
Restricted Team to a Single Project:
Create a new team
To create a new team, click the + New button and fill out the new team form. Required fields: Team name, Project(s) to access. Assigning at least one project is required as teams grant users access to projects within Contentsquare.
Add users to a team
To add existing users to a team, click the user icon from the team list, select the users, and click add.
Add Projects and configure their default user roles
You can define default roles per Project for each of your Teams, then when you add a user to a particular Team the Console will automatically assign them to the default role you've defined for your projects.
1. To configure a default user role for a project, go to the 'Console' > Select 'Teams'.
2. Click the view more options '…' button and click 'Edit'.
3. To add projects to the Team, click the 'Select a Project' button, select the projects you'd like to add, and click 'Save'.
4. Scroll down to 'Projects and role by default' and use the drop-down menu to pick a default role for the team for each project.
Team management and SSO
- If you have SSO configured with Automatic Validation for new users set up, you can select default Teams for new users to be automatically added to.
- Users automatically added to a particular Team will automatically be associated with that Team's Projects and therefore the default roles you've configured for those projects.
- You can manually override this configuration using the Team tab to edit the default role (see instructions above). Any manual changes will always override the default configuration.