Sequential segments allow you to group users who navigated several pages in a sequence during a single session. With sequential segments, you can analyze and understand looping behaviors by segmenting your visitors based on the navigational path they have taken.
How to use Sequential segments
You can create sequential segments with 'Then' and 'Directly then' conditions in three ways:
- Set them up in the Segments module.
- Access them through the Analysis context in Journey analysis, Page comparator, Zoning, or Session replay.
- Utilize the shortcuts in Journey analysis.
Sequential segments in Journey analysis
1. Open Journey Analysis, and identify the journey you want to create a segment based on.
2. Right-click on the final step of the journey, and open the shortcuts' menu.
3. Select "Create a segment... based on journey to this page group" in the menu that opens.
4. If you want, you can add or change extra conditions to specify the segment further. When you are ready, click "Create".
Use THEN & DIRECTLY THEN to create sequential segments.
- THEN can be used with 'Viewed page'/'Viewed screen' (for Experience Analytics Mobile), 'Page event' (must be on different pages), 'Zone clicked', 'Same pageview'/'Same screenview'(Experience Analytics Mobile), 'Exit page'/'Exit screen'(Experience Analytics Mobile), and 'Text seen' (for Experience Monitoring) conditions.
- DIRECTLY THEN can be used with 'Viewed page'/'Viewed screen' (for Experience Analytics Mobile), "Page event" (must be on different pages), 'Zone clicked', 'Same pageview'/'Same screenview'(for Experience Analytics Mobile), 'Exit page'/'Exit screen'(for Experience Analytics Mobile), and 'Text seen' (for Experience Monitoring Web) conditions.
Page sequence (page-level)
Combine conditions using the THEN & DIRECTLY THEN.
THEN allows you to view sessions, pages and clicks that were seen in sequence, but not necessarily right after the other. E.g: "Page A" THEN "Page B" can include sessions where visitors browsed "Page A", then "Product X", then "Product Y" then "Page B"
1. Set your conditions as "Landing page" or "Viewed page" and select your page.
2. Select THEN
3. You can add up to nine (9) “Page viewed” using THEN.
DIRECTLY THEN enables you to create a segment based on a direct succession of pages viewed.
E.g: "Page A" DIRECTLY THEN "Page B" shows visitors who visited "Page A" and then "Page B" directly after without any other page viewed in between.
1. Set your conditions as "Viewed page" and select your page.
2. Click DIRECTLY THEN and select your second page.
In-page sequence (zone level)
You can create an in-page sequential segment by using the same pageview functionality.
1. Set your condition as Same pageview and select the page you want to focus your analysis on.
2. Choose the in-page events that happened on the same pageview and Apply