The Performance and sales tab offers a variety of data visualizations to help you analyze and track performance for your categories, brands, and products.
Navigate to Performance and sales
Click on the Categories or Brands from the sub menu to access the Performance and sales tab.
Click on any product from your Product List to see its Performance and sales data.
Global performance
Once you've selected a category (brand or product) toggle back and forth between Sales performance and Page performance to see comparisons or see the trends of these six (6) KPIs for the selected time period in the table chart on the right.
Categories and Sub-Categories performance
Quickly assess (sub)category performance. Click 'Customize columns' to select the metrics you want to analyze.
Use the toggle if you'd like to compare the current time period with the previous time period.
Product highlights
Scroll down to see Product highlights on the Performance and sales tab for both the Categories and Brands modules.
Sort different KPIs (Visits, Conversion rate, Revenue, Add to cart, and Unit sold) to pinpoint Top, Lowest, Rising, or Falling products.
Performance over time
Performance over time allows you to visualize selected KPIs side by side to understand how they influence each other. You can find the line chart as you continue to scroll through the Performance and sales tab for both the Categories and Brands modules.
Product Opportunities (only available for Categories)
- You can filter by 'All products', 'Out of Stock products', 'In Stock products' or 'Active products'
- Use the 'Minimum sessions' field to eliminate low-converting products from results by setting a minimum conversion threshold
Need Visibility tab
The following products have high conversion rates but low visits. Increasing their visibility can improve your revenue.
To Optimize tab
The following products are highly visited but have low conversion rates. Find what is stopping users from purchasing (Are they out of stock? Are the prices competitive? Are shipping times too long?)
Increase Margin tab
The following products are priced lower than your competitors’. Raising your prices for these products could increase your revenue.
- Click the 'Filter by competitors' button to focus on a specific seller.
Stock Revenue Loss tab
View and analyze the revenue lost based on how many user sessions a product(s) was out of stock.