Categories List
Metric |
Calculation |
Sessions |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a Product page of any product belonging to the category. |
Add to cart rate |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) Add to cart of a Product belonging to the category / Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a Product page of a product belonging to the category or sessions that added to cart at least one (1) product from the category. |
Number of Add to cart |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) Add to cart of a product that belong to the category |
Conversion rate |
Number of sessions buying a product that belongs to the category / Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a Product page of a product that belong to the category or sessions that purchased at least one (1) product from the category |
Number of conversion |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) conversion with a product that belongs to the category |
Revenue |
Sum of the revenue of every product from the category |
Unit sold |
Sum of the quantity of every product from the category |
Number of retailer |
Number of other websites on the market that have been selling products from the same category in the period of time |
Price difference |
Average of (Average for each product of the category of (for each competitor on the product( (Competitor Price - My Product Price)/ My Product price) ) ) ) |
Brands List
Metric |
Calculation |
Sessions |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a product page of any product that belongs to the brand |
Add to cart rate |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) Add to cart of a Product that belongs to the brand / number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a product page of a product that belongs to the brand or sessions that added to cart at least one (1) product from the brand |
Number of Add to cart |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) Add to cart of a product that belongs to the brand |
Conversion rate |
Number of sessions buying a product that belongs to the brand / Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of a Product page of a product that belongs to the brand or sessions that purchased at least one (1) product from the brand |
Number of conversion |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) conversion with a product that belong to the brand |
Revenue |
Sum of the revenue of every product from the brand |
Unit sold |
Sum of the quantity of every product from the brand |
Number of retailer |
Number of other websites on the market that have been selling products from the same brand in the period of time |
Price difference |
Average of (Average for each product of the brand of (for each competitor on the product( (Competitor Price - My Product Price)/ My Product price) ) ) ) |
Products List
Metric |
Calculation |
Sessions |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of the Product Page of the product |
Add to cart rate |
Number of sessions with at least one (1) Add to Cart of the Product / Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of the Product page or sessions that added to cart the product |
Number of Add to cart |
Number of session with at least one (1) Add to cart of the product |
Conversion rate |
Number of session buying the product / Number of sessions with at least one (1) view of the Product page or sessions that purchased the product |
Number of conversion |
Number of session with at least one (1) conversion of the product |
Revenue |
Sum of the revenue of the product |
Unit sold |
Sum of the quantity of the product |
Number of retailer |
Number of other websites on the market that have been selling the same product in the period of time |
My price |
Price of my product. If product has variants: Minimum and maximum prices of the variants of the product (coming from the product catalogue) |
Market price |
Average price of the competitors' product on the market on the selected period of time |
Price difference |
Average of (Average for each product of the category of (for each competitor on the product( (Competitor Price - My Product Price)/ My Product price) ) ) ) |
Exposure to add to cart |
the rate of cart additions relative to the number of exposures of the product (100% of the product image has been displayed on the screen for at least 150 mlliseconds). |
Exposure to conversion rate |
the rate of a product's conversion relative to the number of exposures of the product total (100% of the product image has been displayed on the screen for at least 150 mlliseconds) |
Exposure sessions |
Number of sessions where the product was visible (100% of the product image has been displayed on the screen for at least 150 milliseconds) to the user at least once, in either the product page or a non-product page |
Competitors List
Metric |
Calculation |
Products in common |
Sum of the distinct product crawled from a competitor similar to mine. |
Price difference |
Average of (for each product of in common ( (Competitor Price - My Product Price)/ My Product price) ) ) |