Zone performance per product
Metric |
Calculation |
Number of pageviews |
Sum of the pageviews where the URL of the product was inside the zone |
Click rate |
Number of pageviews where the product was displayed in the zone and clicked / Number of pageviews where the product was displayed in the zone |
Number of clicks |
Number of clicks one the product when it was displayed in the zone |
Attractiveness rate |
Number of pageviews with zone displayed on the screen with the product in it and at least one click on the product / Number of pageviews with zone displayed on the screen with the product in it |
Conversion rate |
Number of purchasing sessions that have clicked on the product when it was displayed in the zone / Number of sessions that have clicked on the product when it was displayed in the zone |
Revenue |
Sum of the revenue of all transactions made from sessions that have clicked on the product when it was displayed in the zone |
Product conversion rate
Number of purchasing sessions of a product that have clicked on this specific product when it was displayed in the zone / Number of sessions that have clicked on this specific product when it was displayed in the zone |
After-click on a zone
Calculation |
Products Visited |
Number of product visited |
Sum of distinct product pages with at least 1 visit within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Total number of visits |
Sum of product pages visited within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Number of visit (for each product) |
Sum of visits with at least 1 pageview on the product page within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Products Added to cart |
Number of product added to cart |
Sum of distinct product added to cart within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Total number of Add to cart |
Sum of products added to cart within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Number of add to cart (for each product) |
Sum of the add to cart of the product within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Products Purchased |
Number of product purchased |
Sum of distinct product purchased when they were added to cart within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone |
Total number of purchases |
Sum of products purchased when they were added to cart within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |
Number of conversions (for each product) |
Sum of the conversions of the product when it was added to cart of the product within the defined number of pageviews after clicking on the zone when the selected content was displayed (all, other content, specific product) |