What are mapping exhaustivity and homogenity?
A mapping's exhaustivity is the % of the total site traffic included in page groups. How exhaustive your mapping is not about the number of pages included in a mapping. It depends on how much site traffic the included pages get.
Undefined pages in non-exhaustive mappings
Pages that don't belong to any page group, are called 'undefined'. To avoid 'undefined' pages in the Journey Analysis, make sure that your mapping is at least 95% exhaustive (almost all of your site's traffic is included).
Illustration of non-exhaustive mappings in the Journey Analysis
Page groups' homogeneity in Zoning Analysis
Page groups should contain pages that follow the same page structure. Why? Zonings give you an aggregated display of metrics based on all the pages, within the page group, within the mapping. This means that the pages found within a page group should all have the same template. This way a zoning will show consistent metrics on the various zones of the page.
How do mappings affect my analysis?
Depending on the mapping you select, the granularity of data on different pages will be different. It will either encompass several pages grouped into one page group, or one page only. Read the article Mappings for your team to learn more.
For example, if you create your zoning based on a page group from a Global mapping (in which you have defined large page groups based on page templates), you will get a high-level data overview of pages with the same page type. However, using the detailed mapping, where all the category pages have been detailed into separate page groups based on their content, will let you display data for a specific category page only.
Goals, segments, and widgets in a dashboard can be based on page groups from a mapping as well. Page comparator (image below) and Journey Analysis show you page groups from the selected mapping.
The list of page groups in Page Comparator corresponds to the selected mapping.
Why do I get a conflict management message when adding a page?
When you try to add a page to your page group, the confirmation flow might show a message saying that there is a page conflict.
This happens when the selected condition applies to the pages already included on different page groups of your mapping. One page can't be included on two different page groups of the same mapping.
In the example above, we can see that 'Dresses' are already a separate page group.
How to manage page conflict
When a conflict happens, there are two things you can do:
- Refine your condition to match only the URLs you want to include;
- Continue your action and exclude the pages from the other page group to include them in the new page group.
In the example above, we can see the conflict management flow.
How can I check which pages are included in a page group?
Use the information panel
1. Open the mapping
2. Click on the selected page group
3. Click on the more options menu '...' to open the information panel
4. See pages included in the selected page group, conditions that have been applied and linked objects. Linked objects are assets that you create using a page group, for example, a zoning, segment, or a goal.
Use the search bar
Open a mapping and copy-paste the URL in the search bar to see which page group you can find it in.
The search bar in a mapping
Use shortcuts in Page Comparator or Journey Analysis
1. Right-click on the selected page
2. Use the 'Show/edit page group' shortcut
If my page is not live anymore, can I still include it in a page group?
For example, if you didn't include a landing page from the old campaign in a mapping, you can still analyze it. Proceed to create a page group using the right conditions to include this page. Note that the page group will have 0 page views.
If you want to analyze zones, make sure you have an old screenshot available in Zoning Analysis. Read more about retroactive snapshots.
Why have I reached the limit of conditions (100) in my page group?
The reason why you reached the limit of conditions might be a result of the page exclusion action. When you exclude pages from one page group to move it to another one, it adds a negative condition to the initial page group.
Here is an example:
1. We create an initial page group that contains all the pages with paths containing "category":
Page group A: path contains/ category
2. We exclude pages containing both "category" and "dresses" from the page group A:
Page group B: path contains / category AND path contains/dress
3. As a result, the pages added to the page group B are also excluded from the page group A:
Page group A: path contains / category
path does not contain/ category
path does not contain/ dresses
As you can see, this action added another condition to the page group A! Performing several page exclusion actions might contribute to reaching the page conditions limit.
Can I add the same page to two page groups in the same mapping?
No. Pages are exclusive to a page group. If you try to create a new rule to include pages already mapped out in another page group, the confirmation flow will show you a conflict management message.
Using the same pages on different page groups is not possible. That’s why we have page groups - they help you to organize the collected data on pages of your site.
How do I interpret pageview information on a page group?
Inside a mapping you can see,
- the number of page views on each page group for the past 3 days.
- the percentage (%) of the mapping's exhaustivity that the page group's traffic corresponds to.
Reminder: A mapping's exahustivity is the percentage (%) of the total site traffic that included in page groups.
How can I edit a page group in a mapping?
To edit your page groups, you will be using either 'refine' or 'split' options. To start, select a page group from the list. Then, add or remove conditions in the refine tab; or use the split option to move pages into separate page groups.
Refine option lets you change the composition of your page group. You can add or remove pages using different page conditions. | Split option lets you edit page conditions in bulk to split an existing page group into several page groups. |
How can I bulk delete page groups in a mapping?
Inside a mapping, select page groups you want to delete by ticking corresponding boxes. Click the 'Delete' button on the blue banner at the top of your screen. Remember, deleting page groups reduces the mapping's exhaustivity percentage.
How can I export a mapping?
If you have admin rights and several projects on your account, you can export your existing mapping to another project on your account.
To do that, the data layer of the initial project needs to correspond to the project which you want to export your mapping to. In short, your second's site's URL structure needs to be the same for it to be possible to export the mapping.
Can I delete multiple mappings at once?
If you're an Admin or an owner of the mapping you can bulk delete mappings on your project:
This action will also delete goals and zonings that you, or your team, created using the deleted mapping. However, we will keep any linked alerts, segments and dashboard widgets.