The percentage of pageviews with at least one click on the zone.
How it's calculated
Click Rate (pageview level) = Number of pageviews where the zone was clicked ÷ Total number of pageviews
Note: A pageview is collected from the moment the CS tag fires to when a tab is closed, or when a session times out.
How to interpret it
This metric is useful when analyzing zones that can be clicked several times (like a carousel) because it does not inflate the click rate. (If during a pageview a user clicks twice on a zone, the click rate just considers one click. So even if the zone is clicked hundreds of times by a user, and once by other users, the metric is not “inflated”).
Here we can see that 15% of homepage pageviews result in the search bar being clicked, proving it is a highpoint of visitor engagement.
Related metrics
The metric to know the number of times an element is clicked during a pageview is Click Recurrence.