Speed Analysis Lab is a web pages testing and monitoring capability which enables you to monitor your website, spot slowdowns, discover optimization opportunities and benchmark against your competitors.
How does it work
Speed Analysis Lab is a Real Browser Testing service based on mainstream browsers (Google Chrome). When you launch a web performance test or monitoring, one of our test probes runs a Chrome session to browse the web page to be tested, based on any advanced settings you have configured (default parameters are set as standard).
Speed Analysis Lab not only analyzes technical facts but also captures a video of the web page loading. This enables you to see relevant User Experience metrics (e.g. Start Render or Speed Index) in the Speed Analysis report.
How to get started
Select 'Speed Analysis Lab' from the main menu.
Dashboard Overview
How does Speed Analysis Lab work in preprod environments?
Speed Analysis Lab can be used to:
Test inside a private environment (staging) protected by basic authentication
Test inside a private environment (staging) protected by IP addresses