Explore use cases you can perform with CS Live!
Before you get started, take a look at our best practices:
- Have your analysis sheet so you can note down your insights easily
- Make sure you are logged into Contentsquare
- Define the end goal of your analysis
Content performance
Use CS Live to evaluate how your content is contributing to Revenue and Goal Conversion!
Get started
1. Decide which content you are going to analyze, and what the goal of that content is. Select a Conversion goal that is fitting to the goal of the content:
- E.g., “I’m analyzing my homepage banner, which is meant to encourage new visitors to sign up to the customer club to get a promotional code”
2. Set the Analysis Context with the segment, device and time period you want to analyze.
- E.g. “I’ve selected new visitors and the device desktop as the majority of my new visitors come from desktop devices. I selected the last month as the time period, as the banner has been up for the last month”.
3. Activate CS Live and select your zone. Switch between the following metrics, and note down your results:
- Revenue: How much revenue has been generated by visitors who also clicked on this zone?
- Revenue per click: How much revenue on average has been generated by visitors who also clicked on this zone?
- Purchase- Conversion rate per click: Out of all visitors who clicked on this zone, how many made a purchase?
- Purchase- Conversion rate per hover: Out of all visitors who hovered over this zone, how many made a purchase?
Look over your gathered data, and use the originally defined goal for the content to generate relevant insights. You can use the following questions as guide:
- Is the content performing as expected?
- Are there other zones that are performing better?
- Could the zone be performing better if in another position?
Tip: Best practice is to give the highest performing content maximum exposure, for example above the fold line.
Content Attractiveness and Engagement
Use CS Live to understand if a content on a page is appreciated by users, or if they tend to ignore it!
Get started
1. Select the content you are going to analyze, and what the original goal of that content is- e.g., do you want users to click on it, read it or watch it?
2. Define the segment and time period of your analysis- e.g., are you analyzing a holiday promotional banner targeting new visitors?:
- Time period: the dates during which the banner has been live
- Segment: “New visitors”
3. Activate CS Live and select your the zone which your content is in
Use the following metrics:
- Click rate: Where are most users clicking?
- Time before first click: What are users drawn to click on first?
- Attractiveness rate: Are visitors clicking on the content once they’ve been exposed to it?
- Engagement rate: Is the content motivating users to click, once they’ve considered it (hover over it)?
Analyze the gathered data, and consider the following:
- Which content is being clicked most in general? Is the content you are analyzing being frequently clicked?
- What are users drawn to click on first, and how long does it take before they click on the content you are analyzing?
- Are they clicking on the content once they’ve been exposed to it, or do they ignore it?
- Are users engaging with the content once they’ve considered it, or does it not encourage interaction?
Tip: Use the goal you defined for the content in the beginning to guide you through the data to the most relevant insights!
Example: you are analyzing a banner which is meant to motivate new users to sign up for your newsletter:
- Are users clicking on the CTA?
- Are users engaging by clicking on the banner, once they’ve read the information?
Analyzing featured display
Note: This use case is recommended for Ecommerce sites
Discover how to use CS Live to analyze a featured product display!
Get started
1. Define which product display you are going to analyze, and what the purpose of it is
- Are you analyzing a product promotion, product news or a product carousel?
Defining the purpose of the content will later help you sort out the most relevant insights out of the data you’ve collected.
2. Define segment, time period and device
- E.g.: Are you analyzing a promotional product display, targeting new users coming from mobile devices?
Select your content zone, and set your Analysis Context. Use the following metrics:
- Exposure rate & Attractiveness rate: Are users being exposed to the product display, and are they clicking on it once they’ve seen it?
- Revenue & Revenue per click: Is the content contributing to the overall revenue of the site, and how much revenue is being generated per user that clicks on it?
- Purchase: CR per click & Purchase: CR per hover: Is the product display encouraging users to make a purchase? Is it doing so by being clicked or hovered?
Look over the data collected on your analysis sheet, and consider the following:
- Is the product display reaching the performance and KPI levels as was intended for it?
- Is the product display generating purchase and revenue?
- Are users drawn to the display, or are they ignoring it?
- Is there another product display performing better (generating more revenue, encouraging more purchases etc.)?
Tip: It’s best practice to give the highest performing content maximum exposure on a page!
Optimize a lead generation form
Use CS Live to optimize lead generation based on how visitors interact with a web form.
Get Started
1. Define the main goal of the web form and think about what you need to analyze.
- How easy do visitors find it to complete the form
- How well are any call to action buttons (CTA) performing
- Are there any visitor frustration points
2. Open your CS Live extension and configure the Analysis Context. Choose the segment, device and time period you want to analyze.
3. Use the following metrics (as a guide) and note down your observations:
- Use Exposure rate to spot where visitors lose attention on the form. Is it a call to action or a specific field?
- Use Click rate to identify on which field or at what point on the form visitors drop out.
- Use Click rate on any call to action buttons to identify if the majority of visitors are clicking where expected.
- Use Click recurrence to spot if any fields or sections are causing visitor frustration.
Tip: If Click recurrence is higher than expected (above 1) it is likely that visitors click multiple times on a field or section that is unresponsive.
Use the data to determine if the web form is performing as expected against your goal(s) and prioritize what can be optimized based on the insights.
For example: If a call to action button has a high click rate and exposure rate but is located lower down the page, consider moving it higher up.
Analyze a promotional banner
Use CS Live to monitor a new banner or product push based on real visitor behavior.
Get Started
1. Define the main goal of the banner or product push and think about what you need to analyze.
- Is the banner or product push in the best/optimal position on my page to drive conversions
2. Open your CS Live extension and configure the Analysis Context. Choose the segment, device and time period you want to analyze.
3. Use the following metrics (as a guide) and note down your observations
- Use Exposure rate to check how visible the banner or product is to visitors
- Use Purchase- conversion rate per click to see how much it is leading to conversions
- Use Click rate and Exposure rate together to help determine if the banner is in the best position on your page.
Use the data to determine if the banner/product is performing as expected against your goal(s).
For example: Look at your observations and see if the banner/product push has a high or low exposure rate. Think about this in relation to where it is located on your page (e.g. above or below the fold line).
Tip: If you spot a low exposure rate but a high click rate, you may want to move the banner to a higher or more visible area.
Analyze cross-sell
Use CS live to analyze how elements of your cross sell are performing based on visitor behavior
Get Started
1. Decide what is the main goal of the cross sell
- Increase the number of visitors adding the item(s) to their bag
- Understand visitor interest in a product
- Increase the number of product pages visitors view
2. Open your CS Live extension and configure the Analysis Context. Choose the segment, device and time period you want to analyze. E.g. Are you interested in how new visitors interact with cross sell.
Use the following metrics (as a guide) and note down your observations
- Use Exposure rate to see how many visitors are exposed to the cross sell section and identify if the products are being missed by your visitors.
- Use Click rate and Attractiveness rate to see how visitors are engaging with the cross sell content. You will be able to identify if the content appeals to visitors and how likely they are to click on it.
- Use Hover rate and Hesitation time to understand how visitors use/navigate the cross sell section.
Use the data and compare against the main goal of your cross sell to identify the most valuable insights.
For example: Think about how your visitors are using the cross sell content, are they confused or unsure how to use it?
Do they think/expect to be directed to a new page if they click on the content.
Content positioning
Use CS Live to optimize the position of content on a retail site.
Get Started
1. Define the main goal of your analysis and think about which content you would like to analyze.
- I want to compare the performance of content below fold line vs. content above the fold line on my main product page
- Should I re order the content on my homepage
2. Open your CS Live extension and configure the Analysis Context. Choose the segment, device and time period you want to analyze.
3. Use the following metrics (as a guide) and note down your observations
- Use Exposure rate to understand which content is being seen the most by your visitors on specific zones
- Use Attractiveness rate to see if visitors are clicking on the content once they’ve been exposed to it
- Use Exposure time to see how long visitors spend consuming a piece of content.
Use the data and compare against your main goal to identify the most valuable insights.
Consider the following:
- Which content are visitors spending the most time on
Tip: There may be content below the fold line that visitors are interested in (don’t forget to check)
- Are there zones that visitors are more engaged with than others. Think about where these zones are currently on your page and consider moving them to see if they perform better.