Features used: Zoning analysis
Time: 30 min.
Set up
1. Choose a site page to prioritize page element improvements for.
2. To understand which elements need to be prioritized on that page, you'll first need to define the page's objectives.
- List your page goals— apart from e-commerce transactions, is there a closer objective? ie reaching a product page, reaching the cart page, reaching the confirmation step, etc.
3. Go to Zoning analysis and create a zoning for that page if you do not already have one.
1. Find which elements have the highest exposure rates
- Select the Exposure rate metric to identify which elements have the highest exposure, and the ones are seen the lowest (and why). The latter will be essential if you have high-performing elements that have low exposure rates.
2. Find which elements are most attractive / engaging
- Identify which elements are users interacting with most and which are least engaging and why. look at both Click rate and Engagement rate (for desktop) / Attractiveness rate (for mobile). You can also use Hesitation time to evaluate whether users are confused by elements, and why they may not be clicking an element.
3. Find which elements are the most successful
- Identify the elements are driving conversion (for e-commerce transactions or other behavior) using Revenue or Revenue per click metrics.
4. Export the above metrics using table mode in zoning.
Draw insights
Plot bubble graphs by plotting a metric from each section. You have two main possible matrices which are both interesting to analyze for different needs.
⚪ Bubbles
The bubbles represent the revenue attributed to that zone. You want the largest bubbles to be on the right hand side, and the smallest to be in the bottom left.
Using these you can then prioritise which elements to optimise.
Attractiveness matrix
This matrix will help you identify which content or zones users are most engaging with.
How to do this:
- Plot exposure rate against click rate. You could set bubble size to be revenue or conversion rate.
- Divide your graph into 4 quarters.
Performance matrix
This matrix will help you map which content or zones are the most performing and if some content needs to be modified to increase the click rate.
How to do this:
- Plot conversion rate (ecommerce or other objective) against click rate. You could set bubble size to be revenue.
- Divide your graph into 4 quarters.
↗️ Top right: High-performing, high attractiveness |
These zones are both the most attractive zones, and the ones that drive the highest conversion rates. This is where you want your biggest bubbles to be (revenue). |
↘️ Bottom right: Low-performing, high attractiveness |
Users are clicking on these zones a lot, but aren’t converting. You need to look further down the funnel to work out why this is, and consider switching their position for a better-performing element. |
↖️ Top left: High-performing, low attractiveness |
These zones drive higher conversion rates, but users aren’t clicking on them. Consider switching their position with the low-performing, high-attractiveness zones. |
↙️ Bottom left: Low performing, low attractiveness |
Users don’t click these zones, and they don’t drive much conversion. These can be ignored, unless you have large bubbles here. |
Go further
It can be useful to monitor these key metrics over time, to be aware of any changes that may occur.
- Create a page performance dashboard to monitor the key KPIs on the page. This may include time on page, scroll rate and activity rate. You could also use percentage of sessions to understand how many users to the page complete a goal or fulfill certain criteria.
- Create a fully customizable dashboard to monitor zone-level metrics, such as the click rate, conversion rate and exposure rate of key zones. Plot these on a line chart to monitor changes over time.
- Set up alerts to be informed of any key changes on the page, such as exit rate, conversion rate or load time.
- Set up alerts to be informed of any key changes on the key zones, such as click rate, conversion rate or exposure rate.