Error Analysis not only enables you to see your site’s errors, but also quantify, prioritize and visualize them. Get error activity insights by time period, device(s) and population segment to better diagnose your digital ecosystem. Spot any unexpected peak in error occurrence in a single glance.
Good to know before you get started
Errors, especially JS errors are pretty common
Any website will display some errors, just open your browser console. Having a website with zero errors is not the main goal and is unrealistic in most companies as you would need an extremely heavily resourced IT team focused on resolving errors.
The main goals when searching for errors are:
- Primary goal: Identify an issue/behavior which is negatively impacting your user’s experience and any business goals.
- Second goal: Once surfaced, the second goal is to be able to quantify, prioritize and resolve the errors.
Timing is crucial
Timing in error analysis is crucial as the number of errors can increase in certain scenarios. For example:
- Re platforming of your site
- Any source of short term traffic increase on specific areas of your website:
- Acquisition channels
- Sales
- Breaking news
Enablement and tag settings
- Contentsquare starts collecting error data as soon as Error analysis is enabled, collecting the first 20 errors per error type on each pageview (20 JS errors, 20 API errors, *20 custom errors).
- *The 20 custom errors per pageview includes console messages, within that limit.
- We sample all Error Analysis metrics for segments above 200 million pageviews.
- Error analysis works for both e-commerce and non-e-commerce tags.
The data is collected on CS analytics tag. Error collection is independent of Session Replay sampling and impacts the number of replays provided for detected errors.
- If you have the e-commerce tag, the e-commerce goal is automatically selected by default and the Missed opportunity column will automatically display in Error analysis.
- You can display/hide the Missed opportunity column using the monetization toggle, in Global Parameters > Project Settings.
- For non-e-commerce tags no goal is selected and you will need to choose one.
Get Started
1. Select Error Analysis from the main menu.
2. Select the Analysis context to set up your analysis scope (device, time period and segment).
3. Scroll down to view all errors in the list view.
4. Click on the 'Filter' drop-down menu to filter errors so you can focus on a specific investigation.
5. View and analyze errors by Pages or by Page groups.
6. Click through to view errors you're interested in, then select a specific one to open the error's side panel.
Example error side panel
In the side panel you can:
- See the general error details
- The exact metrics for the error
- Dismiss the error (admin users only)
- Send to JIRA (admin users only) or view the Jira ticket if one has already been created
- Copy error details
- Investigate the impact of the error with direct links to Session Replay, Impact Quantification and Journey Analysis.
Go further
Read our article on How to use Error Analysis