Categories/ Brands - Cross-sell
Metric |
Definition |
Calculation |
Cross-Sell Rate of the product |
Percentage of time the product has been purchased with at least one other product in transactions |
Number of conversion where the product was purchased with at least another one / Number of conversion of the product |
Number of Conversions |
Number of Conversions of the product |
Number of Conversions of the product |
Products - Cross-sell
Metric |
Definition |
Calculation |
Cross Sell Rate of the product |
Percentage of time the product has been purchased with at least one other product in transactions |
Number of conversion where the product was purchased with at least another one / Number of conversion of the product |
Number of Conversions |
Number of Conversions of the product |
Number of Conversions of the product |
Cross Sell rate with the other cross sold product |
Percentage of time the cross sold product was purchased with the selected Product |
Number of conversion where the cross sold product was with the selected product / Number of conversion of the product selected |
Number of conversion together |
Number of conversions where the cross sold product was purchased with the selected Product |
Number of conversion where both the selected Products and the cross sold products were purchased together |