Share a URL or Session Replay with another member of your team who does not have a Contentsquare account.
How to share a replay
1. From the Session Replay player, click Share replay.
2. Use the dropdown to select to share with team members on Contentsquare or anyone with the link.
- Only team members on Contentsquare can view the replay: the user you share the link with will be redirected to the Contentsquare platform and will be able to see the full session, starting from the relevant pageview
- Anyone with this link can view the replay: the user you share the link with will only see the specific pageview and won't be able to see the full session.
3. Click Copy link to get a shareable URL.
Using the shared replay link
When sharing the link with a user who is not logged into Contentsquare, they'll be asked to enter their email address and click Authenticate when they visit the link. An authenticated replay link will then be sent to their email and is valid for 4 hours. The user can use the same shared link (at a later point) and go through the authentication process again.