Contentsquare's Integration catalog displays available integrations (Kameleeon, Monetate, Google Analytics 4, Adobe Analytics, and more). Place requests to add one or more to your Contentsquare project.
You'll now also find integrations for Digital Experience Analytics Mobile inside the integrations catalog.
How to install an integration
1. Click the puzzle piece icon in the top right corner to be redirected to the Integration catalog.
2. Select any integration to See details or install.
3. Click 'Install integration' to install if you are an Admin user.
- For non-admin users you can click 'Request' integration to notify the account admin.
4. Once the integration install is requested, all account users will be able to see an "Installation in progress" message while browsing the integration catalog
5. To check the status of an integration go to the 'Installed' tab:
- Active - Integration is installed
- Pending - Integration has been requested
- Action required - Integration requires action on your side to complete the installation
- Once installed, all account users will be able to see an "Installed" message while browsing the catalog
Why isn't my integration displaying in the catalog as "installed"?
To get your existing integrations to display in your catalog remove the integration snippet that was previously manually deployed, then follow the steps above to request the deployment again.
Where can I request Contentsquare integrate with another product I use?
Use this form to submit requests for future integrations.
Can my team members (non-admins) request integrations?
Yes. You will receive an email notification when one of your team members requests an integration.