Merchandising capabilities allow you to analyze your stock and surfaces stock revenue loss for you so you can optimize your inventory for maximum profits.
Analyze product variant performance
Each variant of a product is available as a single entry in the product catalog and identified with its own SKU code. A variant can be a size, a color, a pattern, a material, an age group, etc.
Browse the Product variants list to see which individual variants are out of stock or inactive. Merchandising finds all different variants of a product in your catalog and aggregates their KPIs at the product level.
1. Go to your Product list
2. Click on any product with variants
3. Navigate to the 'Variant' tab to view product variants and their performance.
4. Click 'Details' to view more performance KPIs
Stock management key
⚪ Inactive |
Inactive products are products that were previously present in your catalog but have been removed from the latest version.
Out of stock means the product is unavailable in your inventory for immediate sale.
Use Stock Revenue Loss
Quickly identify lost revenue due to a product being out of stock using the Product opportunities feature.
Stock revenue loss is generated based on the following calculation:
Number of visits when out of stock x Unit price when visited
x Average conversation rate of the category during that week
Stock Management FAQ
Can I perform retroactive analysis?
If you select a specific time period in the Analysis context, you will be able to see the performance of all products from that time period.
If the product was not in the catalog during the selected period, it will not be displayed.
If the product was in the catalog but not on the website during the selected period, it will be displayed with KPIs equal to 0.
How long is product data stored for?
Merchandising stores and displays products (including inactive products) for 13 months.