>50% unmasked Session replay sampling rate is needed to use Text Search.
Use Text search to search for text on the fly or for predefined text strings that have been saved.
How to search for text
1. Open the Analysis Context
2. Select the 'Text Seen' condition from the drop down menu.
3. Select whether you want to search for the condition 'have seen' or 'have not seen'.
4. Search for an existing text string or enter in text. (If you need to search for text strings with special characters, punctuation and/or accents we advise you to predefine it in advance).
5. Select a page or page group.
Analyze the impact of a text string
Trends in user behavior
Use the 'Most viewed pages' widget to see where text strings and errors are viewed the most. See how it affects user experience by replaying the session where the text appears.
- See the total number of views where the messaged appeared.
- At a glance view the top 10 pages where the message appeared (sorted by number of views).
- Click ‘See all pages’ to see a list of all the pages where the text/error was seen.
- Click the play icon to drill down into Session Replay and see how the user experience is affected.
Impact evaluation
Use Impact evaluation to understand the impact of the text on revenue and conversion.
Traffic Distribution widget
Use the Traffic Distribution website to see which Devices, Browser and OS are most affected by the text.
Sessions over time widget
Use the Session over time widget to track the impact on sessions over the date range you selected.
How to create predefined text strings
1. Go to the 'Goals & Key Events' module.
2. Select the 'Predefined text strings' tab and then select the 'New text string' button.
3. Enter the text string and select 'Create' to save and store it.
Can I search for text strings with special characters and numbers?
Create text strings with special characters, symbols (e.g. +, £) and numbers in advance using the pre defined text strings.
Can I save a text seen condition as a segment?
Yes, you can save segments containing text searches.
Are text searches retroactive?
Yes, you can search for full sentences retroactively.
Is Text Search case insensitive?
Yes, Text Search is case insensitive.
I searched for text that I know was seen, but got no results
Depending on the HTML structure of your website's content, it might be that your single text string is being treated and searched for as multiple, separate text strings in Contentsquare.
This can happen if the piece of text you search for contains multiple <span> HTML elements on your website, causing Contentsquare to search for each element as if it were separate pieces of unrelated text.
For example:
You search for text "Oops! Discount code is not available", however it contains two (2) <span> HTML elements:
1. <span>Oops! </span>
2. <span class=“not-available-msg”>Discount code is not available</span>
To avoid this, we recommend you:
- Make sure your text contains at most one (1) <span> HTML element on your website.
- Use shorter text: if one text contains multiple <span> HTML elements, you can search each <span> HTML element as one text, so that you can get relevant results.
How many text search conditions can I add in the Analysis Context?
You can add up to 4 text seen conditions in the Analysis Context.