Objective: Analyze a category or sub-category from your catalog to monitor and then optimize performance.
Features used: Categories
Time: 15 min.
Set up
- Click on 'Categories' from the Merchandising sub menu.
- Choose a category from your catalog to analyze.
- Use your Analysis context at the top of the page to select: the device, the time period, and the segment you want to analyze.
1. View high-level category KPIs and then click 'Compare with' if you want to view a KPI spider graph comparing two categories.
- In this example, we are comparing Women with Men to see which category is performing better.
- Click on the 'Page Performance' tab to analyze UX metrics.
- Note anything significant about this category's KPIs or the comparison results.
2. Scroll down to view the Category and sub-category performance table and click 'Customize columns' to select the metrics you'd like to analyze.
- Use the toggle to compare the current analysis time period with the previous period to see if there have been any recent, notable changes.
3. If you'd like to drill-down further into a specific category or sub-category showing a sudden drop or increase, click the '...' see more options menu and select 'See category performance'.
4. Then (either in the new (sub)category or the existing category sales and performance page)scroll down to view 'Category's product highlights' identify your highest and lowest performing products based on the following metrics: Sessions, Conversion Rate, Revenue, Add to Cart and Units Sold.
- Measure product performance within the category.
3. To analyze a category to see which products need more visibility, scroll down to use the Product Opportunities feature.
- Use the 'To optimize' tab, 'Increase margin', and 'Stock revenue loss' to make any further adjustments to optimize product performance within the category.
Take action
- To increase your revenue for the category, increase visibility for your products that have good conversion but low visibility and make any further optimizations as suggested by the Product Opportunities feature.
Continue to monitor Categories and Sub-Categories for changes over time to catch any underperforming (sub)categories and take action before more revenue is lost.