Merchandising is available as an add on for Contentsquare Pro and Enterprise plans.
Objective: Analyze product performance at a zone level and determine which products to promote in your key zones.
Features used: Visual merchandising, Categories
Time: 15 min.
Set up
- Click on Visual Merchandising from the Merchandising sub menu.
- Select the Zoning you want to analyze (you can create a new zoning if the one you need does not exist).
- Use your Analysis context at the top of the page to select the device, the time period, and the segment you want to analyze.
- Decide which exact zone you would like to optimize.
1. Identify the most products with the highest Conversion rate for the selected zone.
- Note the top products for Conversion rate
2. Click 'See after click interactions' for that zone to identify other attractive products to prioritize and promote.
3. Go to Categories, select the category that houses the products you were analyzing in the zone above (for this example, Sneakers), and scroll down to Product opportunities.
4. Use Product opportunities to view products that have good conversion rates but 'Need visibility' and consider prioritizing them alongside your most attractive and clicked-on products.
Take action
- Visually promote and prioritize products with high Attractiveness rates and Click rates.
- Visually demote low-performing products and relocate products that Need visibility from the same category you are displaying in the zone.
- Feed your personalization tool or manually pick a high-performing set of products to display in your email campaigns and landing pages to increase conversion.