Average cart
Average amount per transaction
How it is calculated
Total number of cart items ÷ Total transactions revenue in the specific currency
Bounce rate
Ratio between the users who entered the app and left it without having seen a second screen and all users
How it is calculated
Number of sessions with one screen view ÷ Number of sessions that visit the screen
Conversion rate
Ratio of sessions during which users achieved a defined behavior and all sessions
How it is calculated
Number of sessions with the conversion ÷ Total number of sessions
Number of conversions
Number of sessions during which users achieved a defined behavior
How it is calculated
Number of sessions with the conversion
Number of sessions
Total number of sessions.
A session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can hide or kill your app, if you come back within 30 minutes, your session will still continue.
Number of users
Number of unique users who have browsed an app, regardless of the number of their sessions.
This metric helps you understand how users behave over time (daily, weekly, and monthly) on your app at a glance.
How it's calculated
Data is collected via a cookie. The user will be counted as two different users if they decline the use of cookies.
The retention of the cookie ID is limited to 13 months.
See what's the difference with number of sessions
When you use the Number of users metric, every single user is identified once, independently of how many sessions they are doing on an app. If a user visits the same app twice a week, they will be identified as one user. If the same user navigates the same app on two different devices, this user will be counted as two different users.
Percentage of sessions
Ratio between session on the app that belongs to the segment you set and the total number of sessions on the app.
Total revenue generated by your app
How it is calculated
Total revenue of the client in the specific currency
Session time
Average time spent from entry on the app to app exit for each session.
How it is calculated
Sum of duration time ÷ Total number of sessions
Views / Session
Number of screens viewed during a session
How it is calculated
Total number of views ÷ Total number of sessions