The percentage of sessions with at least one click on the zone.
How it’s calculated
The number of sessions where the zone was clicked divided by the total number of sessions.
How to interpret it
This metric is useful when analyzing zones that can be clicked several times, as it does not inflate the result based on how many times one user clicked. This means that if a user clicks several times on one zone, they will still count as one session.
Note: Click rate (session level) cannot be used when creating an alert or dashboard widget where the analysis scope is Site or Page group. Click rate (session level) is available where the analysis scope you're using is Zone.
Session Level vs Pageview Level
Pageview level Click rate shows what users clicked on when they were on a specific page. It only considers one specific page view.
Example: A user clicks on add to cart on a product page, continues to the cart, then returns to the product page and changes the color of the item
Result: The clicks on the product page (add to cart and color change) will be analyzed as two separate page views
Pageview level Click rate: Above, we see that out of all pageviews on the homepage, the homepage carousel is clicked during 7.27% of them.
Session Level Click uses sessions instead of pageviews. The Click rate, therefore, shows how many users clicked a particular zone during their entire session and not just during a specific pageview.
Example: A user clicks on add to cart on a product page, continues to the cart, then returns to the product page and changes the color of the item
Result: The clicks on the product page (add to cart and color change) will be analyzed as clicks occurring on the page in the same session
Session level Click rate: Above, we see that 8.78% of sessions where users visited the homepage include at least one click on the homepage carousel.
When to use which Click rate?
Pageview level: How many users used the product filters at least once while on the category page?
Session Level: How many of the users who visited the cart page during their session clicked through to the checkout page?
Related Metrics
Take a look on how to use and calculate Click rate on a pageview level