Find links to step by step guides, videos and short e-learning courses which are specific to your industry or job role so you can apply your learnings to your use cases.
Analyzing Acquisition
Use Cases |
What will you find? |
E-Learning: Get a quick overview of the performance of your Acquisition segment! |
Helpcenter: Analyze the performance of your Campaign's Landing page |
How to optimize lead generation forms using acquisition segments |
Helpcenter: Understand which acquisition channels most effectively convert to leads |
Analyze Specific Content
Use Cases |
What will you find? |
E-Learning: Learn how to analyze if a landing page's content is fitting your acquisition segment! |
Helpcenter: Analyze the performance of your Homepage |
Helpcenter: Analyze the performance of your Content page |
Helpcenter: Learn how to interpret three different types of generic paths |
Analyze Performance
Use Cases |
What will you find? |
E-Learning: Learn how to identify journeys with struggle, and how to determine what the friction was! |
Helpcenter: How can I tell if my bounce rate is good or bad? |
Helpcenter: Use acquisition segments to group users by acquisition channel (the channels that users came through to get to your site—how your visits are acquired). |
How to monitor KPIs
Use Cases |
What will you find? |
Helpcenter: Collect all of your acquisition channel data in one easy to access place when you build a custom acquisition dashboard |
Helpcenter: Dashboards enables you track the KPIs you're interested in on a panel-like interface |
Helpcenter: Leverage the Alerts feature to help you to detect the slightest slowdown of your web pages for each regression of web quality that may occur |
Formalizing an Analysis
Use Cases |
What will you find? |
Explore best practices for UX and UI designed by Contentsquare Experts |
Template to formalize your Contentsquare Analysis |