With the Live zoning option, you are able to add a snapshot capturing dynamic elements in different stages into an existing zoning.
This allows you to, for example, capture a menu in an open state to analyze its menu entries.
1. Select your zoning
Select an existing zoning, or create a new zoning, containing the dynamic element you want to analyze.
2. Add a snapshot
To add a new snapshot, use the Capture new snapshot button located in the top right corner of your zoning. In the menu that opens, click on 'Capture from live site'.
This will open a new window with your current website inside, called Live zoning.
3. Open the dynamic element
In the Live zoning window:
1. Open or activate the dynamic element, e.g. a search bar.
2. Click on Capture a new snapshot.
3. Click on Save to Contentsquare.
4. Using the new snapshot
The new snapshot you created is automatically applied in your zoning. Now you can create new zones and analyze the content located inside the dynamic element.
You can also find it inside the Snapshot library.