The smart zone selector helps you identify and prioritize zones on your page. It highlights which zones have the highest amount of a certain metric, e.g. Click rate or Revenue.
Top Use Cases
In the smart zone selector you can choose between x use cases to which you want to identify the matching zones:
1. Top Click rate (Pageview Level): Identify which of your zones have the highest session level click rate
2. Top Click recurrence: Surface which of your zones have the highest Click recurrence.
3. Top Revenue: See which zones are generating the most revenue.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Click on the 'Smart' button inside 'Edit zones'.
2. In the side panel that opens, click on the use case for which you want to surface the matching zones.
3. The results appear in a list view inside the side panel, naming the zones matching the use case in falling order. The zones will be automatically highlighted inside your zoning.
4. You can either create all identified zones at once, or one at a time, to analyze them further in your zoning:
- Create one zone: Click inside the highlighted area, and the zone will be created. You can also hover the list result, and click the 'Create zone' CTA that appears.
- Create all zones: Click the 'Create zone' CTA at the top of the list, and all identified zones will be created inside your zoning.
Deleting a created zone
Once a zone is created, you can choose to hide it by hovering the list view result and selecting hide zone. |
Identifying the zone and corresponding result
To see which zones have been identified by the smart zone selector, your can either hover over the result inside the list or a zone inside your snapshot:
- Hover a result line: hovering a list result (0.5 seconds or more) will highlight the corresponding zone inside your zoning.
- Hover a zone: hovering over a zone (0.5 seconds or more) will auto scroll the list to focus on the matching result inside the list.