When analyzing an error, the related error information is organized into separate sections so you can easily identify the details you need for your analysis. This article gives an overview of each of those sections and explains the error information and actions displayed in each.
There are two displays of the error information:
- Error side panel: analyze the individual error information at a glance and share key details with your team
- Error full page: analyze the individual error information in a full page view, and update your analysis context on the spot. Share a unique link to the full page with other Contentsquare users on your team.
Error information is organized into the following sections:
- Error details: these are the technical details of each error
- Error impact: understand the error’s impact on a particular goal
- Error over time graph: identify fluctuations in error occurrence over time
Accessing and sharing error information
Error side panel
Find the error side panel by navigating to your list of errors and clicking the arrow ‘>’ button for a single error.
Use the error side panel to see individual error information at a glance and continue your analysis using the available actions.
Error full page
Use the error full page to focus your analysis of a single error by opening it in a full page view.
Navigate to the error side panel and clicking the three-dot menu, followed by ‘Open error in full page’.
Easily update the analysis context (device, date range and segment) or goal on the spot, and then share the full page analysis with your team to help troubleshoot and prioritize next steps.:
1) Updating the analysis context (device, date range, segment).
2) Updating the goal. Note, this is only available for errors analyzed from the ‘Errors by page’ or ‘Errors by page group’ scope.
Sharing error information
Share a unique link to the error’s full page
Note: It’s only possible to share the link to an error details page with another Contentsquare user.
Share a unique link to the full error details with other Contentsquare users on your team, to provide complete visibility on an error. The URL copied includes the analysis context, goal and scope currently selected.
Click the ‘Copy link’ button, or copy the URL from your browser. You can also copy the URL directly from the error’s full page.
Copy the ‘Error details’ information
Click the three-dot button, followed by ‘Copy error details’, to share the essential details with your development team and support error troubleshooting.
Once copied, you can paste the information as displayed in that section.
Overview of the error information
From the error side panel or error full page, you’ll be able to access and analyze the individual error information, as organized by the sections outlined below.
Error details
In the error details section, you’ll find the following information related to each error type.
All errors | API errors | JS errors | Custom errors |
Take action
- Send to Jira / View Jira tickets, Create another Jira ticket
- Dismiss the error
- Copy link (copies link to error full page)
- ‘...’ (more): Copy error details, Setup additional details, Open error in full page
Error impact
This section helps you understand, at a glance, the error impact against a particular goal (for example; ‘Add to cart’, ‘reached product page’, ‘continued to checkout’).
The following metrics are displayed when analyzing error information via the following scopes:
Available for all scopes:
- Sessions with this error (raw number and percentage)
- Sessions with error after click (raw number and percentage)
Available for ‘Errors by pages’ and ‘Errors by page groups’ scopes only:
- Lost conversions
- Impact on goal (as a percentage)
- Missed opportunity (with currencies for E-commerce)
Take action
- ‘Quantify’: click this to be redirected to Impact Quantification and analyze the error’s impact in more detail.
Error over time graph
Use this graph to see the percentage of sessions impacted by the error (simply hover over points on the line graph) and compare each day’s data to an average, helping you to quickly identify when any unexpected fluctuations in error occurred.
Learn more about error trends and analyzing errors over time here.