The funnel performance table provides a benchmark that shows your brand's performance results on a retailer site compared to all the other brands on that same site.
Get Started
1. Use the drop-down at the top of the page to select the dashboard you'd like to view.
2. Select the time period and device you'd like to analyze.
3. Select from sub-brands and sub-categories or leave all sub-brands/categories selected by default.
How to use Performance by category
1. Filter the funnel performance by devices (All, Desktop, Mobile, and Tablets) and by time range (up to 92 days).
The table relies on five metrics:
- Exposure sessions
- Add to cart rate
- Add to carts
- Cart to conversion rate
- Conversions
2. Scroll down to the Performance over time widget to visualize four KPIs side by side to understand how they influence each other. As the number of line graphs that are displayed cannot exceed 3, you can select up to 3 out of 4 metrics, among:
Brand - Add to cart rate
Benchmark - Add to cart rate
Brand - Cart to conversion rate
Benchmark - Cart to conversion rate
Hover over the line charts to display the rates per day:
3. Scroll further down to the Performance by product widget to refine your analysis by individual products. You can search by product name or identifier (SKU/EAN).