Use the Performance by keyword tab's search trend data to give brands visibility into keyword performance and benchmarking to enable informed keyword position purchasing.
Get started
1. Use the drop-down at the top of the page to select the dashboard you'd like to view.
2. Select the time period and device you'd like to analyze.
3. Select from sub-brands and sub-categories or leave all sub-brands/categories selected by default.
How to use Performance by keyword
1. For each metric in the table it is possible to rank from lowest to highest.
- Add to carts
- Search to cart rate
- Conversions
Tip: Click 'Export' on either widget to retrieve the product details in an Excel file (.xlsx). The exported file will be organized with the applied sorts and filters.
2. For each keyword's performance you can improve your keyword strategy the site depending on whether the metrics are higher or lower than the benchmark.