Using Error Analysis, you can analyze application crashes—dive deeper into the details of a crashing session, and identify the root cause.
Use Cases
Access and analyze the crash details—Understand what caused the crash by accessing crash details such as the metadata (like app version, language, country, network), stack trace, and which screens were affected.
Replay what happened during the user session—Gain a deeper understanding of the crash session by analyzing it in Session Replay.
Shorten time to action—Notify your team about the crash and provide the relevant details by creating a Jira ticket directly from the Error Analysis.
Understand the impact—Understand the effect of the crashes on conversion, and analyze which screens had the most crashes.
Filtering to Crash errors
1. Navigate to Error Analysis and select the 'Filter' button.
2. Select the Crash option to filter your error list to Crash errors only.
3. You can now navigate between the following list types:
- All Errors
- Errors by Screens
- Error by Screen Groups
All Errors
Here, you can find a list of all errors that have occurred on your app, the number of sessions affected, and the app version.
Errors by Screens
To understand the effect of a crash on your screens, navigate to the Errors by Screen tab and click on ‘View x errors’ underneath the crash you want to analyze.
In the page that opens, you can:
- See all crashes that happened caused by the same error.
- Search for a specific crash.
- Select the goal of which you want to see the impact of the crash on.
- See crash details: (App version, Number of sessions that were impacted, Lost conversion attributed to the crash, Impact on you selected goal, Opportunity missed due to the crash).
- Investigate the crash further and see crash details, by clicking the 'More' arrow button.
Errors by Screen Groups
With Errors by Screen Group, you can see which screens inside a screen group where affected by a crashes:
1. Select which screen group you want to see the crashes for
2. Use the search bar to search for a specific screen group
3. Analyze how the different screens were affected:
- All sessions: Number of sessions that visited the screen group
- Sessions with error: the number of sessions that had a crash.
- The sum of statistically significant losses in conversion.
How to investigate a crash
To see more details about a crash, click on the more ‘>’ arrow.
In the side panel that opens, you can:
1. See a summary of the crash details and create a Jira ticket containing the crash details.
2. See the impact on sessions with that error.
3. See a graph of the error over time.
4. Continue to other CS features to analyze the crash further:
- Session Replay
- Click the 'See Replays' button under 'Continue your analysis' to replay all crash events.
- Click 'See Replay' on a specific crash event to watch that one in particular.
- Impact Quantification
- Journey Analysis
Shortcutting to Session Replay
If you shortcut from the crash details to Session Replay, the Replay will open directly on the Crash screen. Using the Event Stream, you can analyze when crash happened.
You’ll also find a detailed view of the crash event:
1. The crash event - keep in mind that a crash can happen one or more times during one session.
2. A summary of the cause of the crash.
3. The stack trace, composed of stack trace frames.
You can also click on ‘Next event’ to see the details of the next crash event.
Troubleshooting: No Stack Trace Collected
There are instances when no stack trace can be collected:
If this occurs, it means that the SDK the app was running on when the crash happened did not collect the stack traces.
The crash collected contains obfuscated or symbolicated code:
Stack traces can't be rendered when the application code has been obfuscated (Android) or symbolicated (iOS).
Please ensure that your mapping or symbol files are uploaded using the Contentsquare Android Gradle plugin or iOS script.