Objective: Detect potential problems blocking conversion on product pages and improve product labels based on UX insights.
Features used: Performance by product, Performance by keywords
Time: 10 min.
Set up
1. Go to the 'Performance by category' tab and select a dashboard.
2. Select the time period and device you'd like to analyze.
3. Select from sub-brands and sub-categories or leave all sub-brands/categories selected by default.
1. Scroll down to 'Performance by product' widget.
2. Sort results by add-to-cart from lowest to highest.
- Is there any product with a high visibility but no add-to-cart?
3. Go to the problematic product pages
- Are there any problems with image, description, label, attributes on this page?
4. Go to the 'Performance by keyword' tab and scroll down to the 'Top search keywords' widget.
- Sort keywords from lowest to highest conversions
- Detect keywords users search to find products
- Are they the real names or do they use synonyms or other spellings?
Take action
- Optimize your content on product pages
- Optimize your products label & keywords strategy based on the terms actually searched for by users