Objective: Assess the performance of your campaigns and find optimizations for future ones
Features used: Performance by category, Performance over time, Performance by product, Performance by page
Time: 20 min.
Set up
1. Go to the 'Performance by category' tab and use the drop-down at the top of the page to select the dashboard you'd like to view.
2. Select the time period and device you'd like to analyze.
3. Select from sub-brands and sub-categories or leave all sub-brands/categories selected by default.
1. Scroll down to the 'Performance overview' widget
- Is your brand performing better than the competition?
- Is it the same trend as for the non-promotional period?
2. Look at the 'Performance over time' widget and select add to cart metrics (brand + competition)*
- Did your performance exceed the competition?
- Has there been a change during the promotion period?
3. Look at the 'Performance by product' widget for the promotional period
- What are the top products sold?
- Are these the ones you sponsored?
- Are the numbers better than usual?
4. Go to the 'Performance by page' tab, identify the pages that drive the most conversions
- Are your products performing better than the competition on the pages you've invested in?
- Are the proportion different than usual?
5. Select the listing page or other pages on which you push sponsored product and look at the performances of your brand(s).
- Is there any evolution in data?
- Are you performing better than benchmark ?
6. In the product details page performance section, identify potential blockers in the PDP content: high visibility but low add to cart and/or conversion.
- You can go and visit the pages identified, is there any missing information or incorrect content?
Take action
- Act fast on your visibility or selection of sponsored products
- Produce reports to optimize your future campaigns on the basis of the insights you have found
- Estimate the impact of the campaign and build a track record so you can decide which promos to replicate online